Thursday, 7 April 2011

Research and Ideas

Before I can start designing my music magazine I need to decide what genre of music i want to base my magazine on. In order to do this I researched lots of different types of music and created a questionnaire to see what people prefer to listen to. Here are my results:

- Pop = 7
-  Rap/ Hip Hop = 6
- Classical = 1
- Electronic = 4
- Blues/ Jazz = 2
- R&B/ Soul = 5
- Indie = 4
- Metal/ Screamo = 1

I asked 30 in total so i could get a wide range of answers to help me with my magazine. The final outcome was that Pop was the most popular type of music, but in order to enhance the sales of my magazine and appeal to a wider audience, I decided to focus my music magazine on the the top two music genres, so included Rap/ Hip Hop.

Considering my magazine would be based around POP, RAP and HIP HOP music, I came to the conclusion that I would like to focus my magazine towards female teens and young adults.
In order to create the best female music magazine I looked at fashion magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Grazia and then music magazines such as Q and Rollingstone to give me inspiration to create my own remixed versions of them all.

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